- American Youth Circus Organization National resources promoting the participation of youth in circus arts; DFC founders and participants are active members, teaching workshops, serving on committees, etc – join us!
- AYCO/ACE Social Circus Initative Supporting social circus development across the U.S.; DFC’s Marci was a foundational consultant for this multi-year initiative of the American Youth Circus Organization and American Circus Educators, supported/funded by Cirque du Soleil.
- Diamond Family Circus on Facebook
- Diamond Family Circus on Instagram
- Diamond Family Circus on Twitter
- Diamond Family Circus Online FB group Join group for current info about DFC online classes for youth and adults
- Marisa Diamond's webpage
- New England States Touring (NEST) Program As an approved provider, fee support for booking Diamond Family Circus may be available to nonprofit organizations through the New England States Touring (NEST) program of the New England Foundation for the Arts.
- acrobatics
- actor
- aerialists
- American Cancer Society
- awesome
- Bacchanalia Preview
- Boston Circus Guild
- Brandeis
- broadway
- cancer
- charity
- circus
- circus arts
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- contortion
- cool
- Diamond Sisters
- duo trapeze
- entertainers
- farmer's market
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- gratitude
- handstands
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- mmmmmm
- Overhead Arts
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- Teresa Kochis
- theater education
- trapeze
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- waltham
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Author Archives: Andrea
What do you do?
We are available to perform, teach, and consult on circus & creative movement in the Boston area, as well as nationally and internationally. DFC’s Co-founders Marci & Marisa, along with Ringmaster J.T., were featured performers with Granite State Circus, the … Continue reading
Posted in Performances
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How can I learn to do that?
Currently, we offer group classes, special workshops, or private lessons for a range of ages and abilities online, and provide instruction and consultation in collaboration with theaters, film, universities, schools, NGOs,  dance & gymnastic studios, camps, etc. Details and references … Continue reading
Posted in Instruction
REACH Fall Festival, this weekend!
Diamond Family Circus is honored to be back this Saturday for our annual appearance (2:45p) at the REACH Fall Festival in Waltham. Join us for some free fun and support healthy relationships and community-building! Join us for our fifth annual … Continue reading
Youth Troupe Supports Community-building
Diamond Family Circus provides youth leadership and performance opportunities through sponsorship of an incredible troupe of talented 11-21 year old circus friends, or as they call themselves, “FRiNDS”. Working hard as a team, with the support of professional circus mentors … Continue reading
Posted in Galleries, Youth Troupe
Tagged community events, youth circus, youth leadership, youth performers, youth troupe
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Mika Tajima Collaboration: DeCordova Museum Fall Exhibit Preview
Fantastic collaboration as featured performers with multimedia artist Mika Tajima and contortionist Chris Oakley at the fall exhibits preview of the DeCordova Museum.
Posted in Performances
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Handstands Across the World
How we spent our summer “vacation”: Handstanding around the world. Circus is EVERYWHERE.
Posted in Galleries
Tagged acrobatics, circus, Guatemala, handstands, international, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Tikal, travel
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